Sunday, January 17, 2010

Impatience & Rain

I really want to go to Japantown today to look at those straw mats that they sell. It's not the real, thick tatami, but the really thin type. I want to see if it'll fit over the bed frames ok, and even if it's slightly shorter, I still intend to buy them 'cause it'll give a little more surface to put the shikibuton on later.

But... I don't need to buy any other food products for the time being so I really shouldn't make a trip into the city just to look at the straw mats. I also need to buy Year of the Tiger decorations for new years to send to my parents in Chinatown, but a trip all the way over for just these two things is not very good. Oh, I also need to buy more scrubbing brushes and those aluminum-looking scrubbing things for the bathroom 'cause tiled showers require more cleaning maintenance than I would like =_= The one day you forget to spray it down after the shower, it starts getting dirty. So aggravating...

Well, until I actually need to buy food, I shouldn't drive over there. I would like to buy some beef though =_= Maybe I'll just walk across the street to get some lemons and beef today. I still have plenty of cereal so no buying cereal. For this year, I'm telling myself that if I have enough food, there is no buying more until it's almost all gone.

I wonder if my roommate is going to be gone later today. I would like to go to Safeway... *sigh* Well, I would like to get some gas for my car actually. I'm at half tank right now, which is not bad. I'm in no danger of being stranded in the city if I don't fill it up before I go out next week, but gas is pricey so if I only need to fill a half tank, it'll be cheaper than a full tank. Half of the gas in my car is always cheaper due to the way I fill it up =_=;

Regardless of how much I want to go to the city today, I really shouldn't because I am now officially on the verge of being sick. My throat kind of hurts and feels scratchy. My tongue is also white today, which means I over-used my throat yesterday when I was talking with my roommate =_= *sigh* I have to do all I can today to keep myself from officially getting sick.

So I should stay in mostly due to the rain and I should be patient until next week. I would really like to get some gas today though =_= *sigh*

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