Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Final Fantasy XIII (English Version)

So there is a rumor that Leona Lewis' "My Hands" will be playing in the credits rather than the final cut scene, but I'm not holding my breath. Still, the main theme in Japanese -- Sugawara's "Kimi ga Iru Kara" -- is playing in this trailer so I'm very hopeful. The voice acting in English actually is pretty good. Ever since Final Fantasy X, they've been using fairly similar voices to the Japanese seiyuu... of course, there were those exceptions that stood out like a sore thumb ... *cough* Seymour *cough* I've never heard such a pansy-sounding villain until Final Fantasy X in English lol. But they usually get the main characters fairly close. I think in Final Fantasy XII, I didn't like the voice for the veira, but whatever. Right now, I think I like the voice for Vanille better in English than Japanese, because she was very high-pitched in Japanese. Then again... Fukui has always had a high-pitched voice lol.

Here is the long version of the English trailer. This is the shorter version.

Though I prefer Japanese voices, I can't say I dislike the English voices for this game. So far, so good. We'll have to see what Cid's voice sounds like lol.

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