Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Compilation, Complicated, Comped Out

I have to get up early tomorrow so I can go and finish one of the compilations I'm working on. Well, someone else worked on it and now I'm fixing it. I've been wanting to tear my hair out for the three consecutive hours that I had been staring at it, because the way my coworker did it was so different than the way I did it @_@. *sigh* The tracing was all weird, it looked disorderly, and my eyes were basically going all swirly on me. I have to redo most of it to make it match the tax return and also match what happened last year.

The accountant who handled this before me, did something really, really strange and now I'm having tons of issues with it. I can only dread what the next one will look like =_= Well, it's good that all three compilations have been given to me because I will have more power over them and the general direction of things. They will all look the same and be just as neat. I can't stand messy-looking files, they're aggravating, but what I can't stand the most is that I have to do this scavenger hunt for these odd numbers all over the place. I seriously have no idea how my coworker got some of these numbers @_@. Ok, that's a lie, but I really am not sure where to start in fixing things 'cause it's such a mess, so I've just been fixing as much as I can all day long. I mean the excel file had like 4 versions of the same tab/workpaper and I had to go into the file to figure out just which one she used so I could get rid of the other three. I hate repeating tabs, they're obnoxious. A file should only have one of each section and not multiple parts of the same thing. The compilation already has a lot of workpapers, I don't need to be sifting through miscellaneous, unimportant crap =_= I really want to get this one turned in tomorrow. I already fixed the first one and got that one approved, now I want this one out of the way so I can start on the hardest one of the three. I did all the tax returns last year so I know what happened with those corresponding returns and I know what should happen with these compilations.

*sigh* I just want these done so I can start the new year's =_=

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