Tuesday, January 26, 2010

A Hate Day

Right now, I hate both my roommate and my coworker. One is being a tyrannic bitch while the other has no sympathy at all. My coworker is just ordering people around and snapping their heads off when she's pissed and my roommate's not very sympathetic at all so I've decided I'm never talking to my roommate about work again. I'm not going to talk to her about anything else again 'cause she just makes me angrier and angrier. I don't need fuel to fire.

I don't even want to go into detail over what my coworker's been like, but she's never all too polite, now she's just plain rude. I have to vent this out or else I'll go crazy. *heave*


Ok, got that out of my system. On a brighter note, my shikibuton got shipped so I should be expecting it in a week or so ^__^ Finally, no more bad back~!

On another bright note, my boss gave me a return to do that belongs to a client that I worked on last year and it turns out to be not too bad so far. She gave me a budget of 10 hours 'cause there was A LOT of information. I mean, just sitting there and sifting through it gave me swirly eyes. There was so much paperwork I just wanted to cry, but I patiently weaved through the stack and did what I needed to do. Unfortunately, I kept getting interrupted by my tyrant of a coworker to go to storage and other people who just kept coming to ask me questions on how to handle certain admin things 'cause the tyrant is on her high horse =_= Ugh. My project got interrupted so many times today, it was annoying. Oh well, I guess this is what it feels like when people depend on you. I guess it comes out good in some way.

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