Tuesday, February 2, 2010

"Not To Do" List

So I think I'm going to make my roommate a "Not To Do" list as she gave me a "To Do" List. I'll be listing things such as:

1. Asking for rent early - I will honor the agreement we both signed and hand over a check on the 1st of every month, unless certain circumstances cause me to defer payment until the next business day or two.

2. Asking the tenant to run to the bank to deposit their rent - As per agreement, the extent of my responsibilities as a tenant is only to hand over a check on the proposed date. Anything extra is out the scope of my responsibilities, and I will not be performing another person's responsibilities for them anymore regardless of circumstances.

3. Feeling too badly about not seeing me for the next few months - I am officially in busy season right now as well as exam mode. More likely than not, I will be quite antisocial and focused on just my responsibilities during these next few months.

4. Worry about the mail that comes in for me - The most I would get in the mailbox is a CPA magazine, and maybe a key to get a package. Unless CalCPA sends me a huge white envelope, I am in no hurry to get the magazine that comes in now and then. So don't worry too much about my mail. Unless it is a huge brown box, I am not too concerned about it. But if you would like me to go get the mail for you, I don't mind. I am, however, only able to do it Saturday though as I have more time those days unless I am in the city for the weekend due to exams and family gatherings. In that case, I'll go grab the mail on Sunday or whenever I get home.

I will try my best to let you know when I am expecting a huge package. In the next 2-3 weeks ahead, I should be receiving a mattress topper and a bookshelf. These are the only known things I know, which are going to be sent to me, but have not given me a confirmation about their status.

I greatly appreciate your understanding on these things and your silence during my studying is absolutely golden. Thanks so much!

.... is how I would like to write it, but I'll be sure to make it more diplomatic and I'll probably just get rid of the mail one... *sigh* I feel much calmer today 'cause my mother and I talked and she told me to keep a level head. I am dealing with an unruly customer, I need my cool, level head, so I'm not going to let these volatile emotions take control over me. I am going to channel coolness, become a Tetsu Onna~! j/k ^_^ If only ^_^ Anyways, I may just write this all up and hand it to her as a joke later tonight when I see her. I also need to give her the one page of the agreement I copied for her ^_^ and highlighted in yellow.

I don't think I have ever been so happy to know that my roommate is coming home. Usually, I just want her to disappear forever, but this is the first time I am actually feeling kind of happy to know that she is coming home. Maybe because I am prepared to kick her ass today? Hehe ^_^ I feel so evil, but hey, she pushed me to this limit so be prepared for the consequences of messing with me. Just because I was accommodating and a pushover last year doesn't mean it will be the same this year. And don't think that phrase "people can't change overnight" is going to stop me. Yeah, I can't change overnight and my roommate can't change overnight, but I consider myself making progress towards being someone who is less fearful of life and taking things in larger strides now. I am not going back to who I was last year. I absolutely refuse, so there.

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