Now that there is starting to be less time for everything, suddenly, I am a chaotic mental mess. Today was really hard for me to focus, and figure out this one return that I had. One of my managers tweaked the return last year and there was no documentation as to why it was done the way it was done so I sat there for 3 hours basically banging my head against a table.
After that, I had to roll over another entity in the audit system, but for some reason we didn't have the correct file so I had to redo the 2008 tax one, before I could roll it over to 2009. I finished rolling over and adjusting the 2009 audit one, though I may have to redo it later 'cause we still have outstanding items. *sigh* Then I got all these emails back from my other bosses so I have three returns that can be done asap tomorrow. One I only have a 1/2 hour budget on left and it's been a month since I looked at his return so I have no idea what there is to do. I guess since it's a rental, I had better do a journal entry and do a carryforward for it plus improvements, then put the place in and adjust the mortgage interest plus property tax.
I have 2 late returns and one on-time return so I am going to finish the on-time one first before getting to the two late ones. I mean, seriously, if they're already this late, there's no rush... is what I'd like to say. *sigh* Only an hour and a half hour left... for those two returns... makes me wish I had budgeted my time a little more wisely. I still need the ending principal for the one loan =_= *sigh* I wonder if I can just take the whole amount of the interest and use it... I will have to look into it tomorrow.
As for my studying... it's not getting any better. *sigh* I tried to read the IT section, but it's kind of ridiculous =_= I haven't found anything worthwhile to look at in that chapter, so maybe I'll just read it tomorrow. I should read chapter 2 & 3 today. I finished 1 and 5, and read part of 4. Well, I started reading 2, but I hate economics so I skipped it, but I think I should read it =_= *sigh*
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