This chapter made me so happy T__T I just about cried. First I read Nakamura Asumiko's "Doukyusei" and now I'm about to cry with ZE chapter 48. Finally something unexpected and really good happens, and it's the first time it's ever happened as well in the series timeline.
Basically, in the last five chapters or so, it focuses on the arc between Shoui and Asari, how they met and how their relationship grew to what it was. Then like a lot of other arcs, the kamisama "dies" by turning back into paper. To get their kamisama back, the kotodama have to go to Waki, the maker of the kamisama, and bring them back. The only problem is that once the kamisama die and come back, all their memories from before are completely gone. The kotodama are usually frantic and want their kamisama to remember them from before -- the only exception is Ouka and Benio, since Benio's previous owner was very abusive.
Anyway, I am totally going to spoil this and not care 'cause it's my blog lol -- Asari turns back into paper and Shoui takes his paper form back to Waki to be fixed. In the other world, Asari tells Rikiichi that he has to go back to the real world for Shoui, and then wakes back up. When he comes to, he doesn't remember who Shoui is anymore and Waki decides to basically scrap him, but Shoui steps in the way and gets stabbed. No matter what, he believed Asari to still be the same one and refuses to give him up. Waki walks away, believing that Shoui is just going to accept this new version of Asari, but then he sees something that astounds him.
Asari, seeing that Shoui is bleeding and then feeling relief when Asari isn't hurt, feels pain to his heart, and then kisses Shoui to heal him and a flood of past memories come flashing back to him. When he breaks the kiss, he is the real Asari again and yells at Shoui for being so stupid and getting hurt. If he had died then him coming back would have been pointless. Shoui is estactic to see Asari and embraces him tightly. Waki, on the other hand is in total shock.
According to Waki, he's seen it countless times, where the kamisama cannot remember their past after turning back into paper. He then goes into his room where there's a huge black box and he opens in. Inside is a beautiful sleeping/dead kamisama who looks quite a bit like Kon. And this sets the stage for the next arc: Waki and Magane ^__^ (I think that's his name, 'cause I just read the Chinese version -- when there's something I really want, I will make myself read it and know what it means lol -- but I need to read the Japanese version to confirm it ^__^;)
Anyway, it's been said that Waki has always been quite fond of Kon, and this dead kamisama may be the reason for it. Perhaps, the reason why Waki never brought this kamisama back is 'cause he didn't want him to be unable to remember who he is -- seeing that all the other kamisama can't remember their kotodama. But after seeing Asari, maybe there's a renewed sense of hope that perhaps the love he and this kamisama had would be enough to have him remember everything.
But finally a Waki arc *___* So exciting~! I think at this point we've done just about everyone we've seen already. There will most likely be a Rikiichi arc, either as a final one or towards the end. We may be almost near the finish line for this series. I'm going to guess that it will hit around 12 volumes or maybe 15. Each major arc spanned around two books for the most part, so I'm going to guess that the Shoui x Asari arc will go through volume 9, and probably some of 10. Waki's arc will probably begin towards the end of 10 and stretch through 11. We may or may not get an arc with Ouka, 'cause I'm not exactly sure what importance she holds as a Mitou Clan family member. For the most part, we see the two brothers do all of the work so we may or may not get anything with Ouka. But if we're going to get into Waki's arc, we might be nearing the end as he is the creator of the kamisama.
Anyway, I am so in love with this series T___T. I think one of the perks of moving to the bay area is having easy access to Kinokuniya *___* I can't imagine life without that store now. It's sad to say that I almost wouldn't want to ever go back to Oregon because of the store lol.
hi...i am finding the internet version of Ze chapter 48...
may i know where did u read it?
i tried to download the rayfiles version...but it was no longer available....
please help!
btw, i do love ASARI!!! =)
Here is the link for Chapter 48. It's the Chinese version. I read mostly Japanese, but can read some Chinese. I'm hopefully going to be able to buy the Japanese version tomorrow.
Since I'm technically not supposed to re-upload this anywhere. I'm going to get rid of the link in a week.
Thanks for ur link! =)
nice to meet u as frenz///
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