Sunday, February 7, 2010

With All The Distractions

I successfully completed one chapter of reading from this book today and surprisingly enough, I was able to answer the questions on the end-of-chapter review. Though I don't have much hope, I would like to score close to a 70 so that would be nice.

Now I have moved onto macro and microeconomics... so not my fave. This entire book is full of concepts that I absolutely hated in college. It just doesn't get any better T__T *sigh* But, I'll give it my all.

I decided to shower and climb into bed earlier today. Studying from bed is actually something I did often during my college days. I would fall asleep with textbooks and papers all over and on top of me. Then I'd wake up around 3AM and start studying some more, or finish up the papers that I have due. That's what it's always been like =_=; Maybe I should just go to sleep and wake up early to study 'cause I'm feeling kind of tired right now =_= *sigh* I can't wait until all the studying is done and over with. Then I can just focus on CPE afterwards.

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