Sunday, February 28, 2010

Clan Banquet

I have no idea what else to call it lol. I need to drive over to the city later today 'cause we have the huge clan banquet with people who have my family surname, or related to people with my family surname. I'm kind of exhausted today, but already promised to go so I'll go. I also want to treat myself to some Kinokuniya goodness so a trip to the city would be good ^__^. I need to go early enough to still be able to buy some vegetables though. I wonder what time the shops close in Chinatown. People usually swarm in during this time of the day, which also happens to be the time that I go too lol, but today, I am going to Japantown first and then Chinatown last. It's usually the other way around 'cause I get my veggies first, then I go and pick up remaining things that I might want from the Japanese supermarket. I don't think there's really anything I want from the Japanese supermarket today though... well, I guess I'll check for blueberry pan ^_^;

I really don't want to do anything today actually. I'm feeling kind of lazy. *sigh*

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