Friday, December 25, 2009

Things To Do Before Vacation Ends

I've accomplished almost all the things I need to do except for the following:

01. Reorganize ALL my manga and novels and write up a master list.
02. Study for both regulation and business of CPA exam.
03. Help my mother reformat the wine, dessert and kid's menu for the restaurant.
04. Send in the mail-in rebate for my contacts.
05. Set up my bill-pay for all my upcoming credit card bills.
06. Laundry

I should buy a mini hand-lotion for inside my purse 'cause I'm really tired of these chapped, dry hands from how cold it is in the winter. I keep buying the huge things of lotion and I can't really carry those around with me =_=; *sigh*

I think I've done pretty well for the past week. We drove up to visit relatives today so I mingled up there for Christmas. We played a mahjong marathon again -- without proper rules again... which is really getting old, but my paternal grandmother loves it... *sigh* The reason why we don't play with official rules is -- though she will never admit it -- because she does not know how to play it and if she does learn, there is no guarantee that her chances of winning will be that high at all. My grandmother doesn't like playing anything that she has a low chance of winning so we're all dragged down to play an extremely boring slew of mahjong games =_= *sigh* I tend to favor having all my tiles be as proper as possible, but when everyone is basically messing around, it's pretty pointless. Oh well.

I ate too much today. I need to run the treadmill tomorrow =_=

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