Sunday, December 13, 2009

Lacking The Patience To Read Things

I used to love reading, but for some reason, I just lack any sort of patience for it these days. Unless I really have a lot of time on my hands and it's interesting enough, I'll sit there and read it, but for the most part, I find myself skimming =_=;

I'm reading "Hakushaku to Yousei" (伯爵と妖精) by Tani Mizue right now in Japanese and the "whole reading things in vertical format" really have my eyes going nuts on me. I really lack the patience to sit through it so I ended up skipping all the way to volume 17, work my way to volume 19 and then back to the end of 16 to get what I wanted to see lol. I really like Edgar x Lydia so I wanted to see how things worked out for them ^__^ They're so cute, I melted~ I'd like to sit down for a day and really read through the series though, I'm surprised at how quickly I am able to read now. Though I haven't really had much practice with Japanese speaking or writing-wise, I've been watching lots of drama to keep my listening comprehension in check. It helps that I read so much manga in Japanese now that I can get words right off the bat without having to look them up.

Still, I am having difficulty getting through the books 'cause I just have no patience for reading in general nowadays. *sigh*

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