Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Books, Books, and More Books

I feel like I'm possessed. I keep swinging by the business and career section of the bookstore and buying whatever appeals to me off the shelves. Ever since the dismissal, the further pay-cut and such, I've been a mass of mixed emotions. Originally, I took this week off to study. Now, it's a combination of studying, soul-searching, self-reevaluating, lots of reading, and job hunting.

After two days of looking at other jobs, I stopped going over all the hiring ads and decided it would be best to stay with my current job. With my current attitude and mentality at work, I'd only bring it with me to a new place so until I can fix the broken pieces within myself and become stronger, I shouldn't go anywhere else. So then I set on a quest to fix myself and figure out how to be a better employee, but most of all, a more confident and less fearful person.

No one can fix you. Only you can fix yourself. I've always known this, but no idea how to go about it. I guess the best way to educate oneself is to read, read, and read some more. Not go get advice from other people, but to really read books, gain some knowledge, do some thinking. I bought the following books in the last three days:

01. "The 12 BAD Habits That Hold GOOD People Back" by James Waldroop and Timothy Butler
02. "Surviving the Toxic Workplace" by Linnda Durre
03. "Powered by Happy: How to Get and Stay Happy at Work" by Beth Thomas
04. "101 Ways to Stand Out at Work" by Arthur D. Rosenburg
05. "The 250 Job Interview Questions You'll Most Likely Be Asked..." by Peter Veruki
06. "Eat, Pray, Love" by Elizabeth Gilbert
07. "No Time For Tact: 365 Days of the Wit, Words, and Wisdom of Larry Winget" by Larry Winget
08. "Nice Girls Don't Get the Corner Office" by Lois P. Frankel
09. "10 Make or Break Career Moments" by Casey Hawley
10. "Life's a Bitch and then You Change Careers" by Andrea Kay
11. "10 Career Essentials: Excel at Your Career by Using Your Personality Type" by Donna Dunning
12. "Swiss Ball for Core Strength" by Declan Condron

#6 and #12 are more like for entertainment and physical health, but the rest is on my mental and emotional well-being concerning work and life. First, I need to figure out all the things wrong with me and then go about fixing it, and then decide whether or not my current career path is the right thing for me. A lot of times, our resentment of work goes hand in hand with our own behaviors that affect what we do and how we perform, which in turn leads a flood of criticism followed by further lack of motivation & productivity and eventual firing.

I have to say that book #1 and #7 are the best things I've read for a while. I've just started the #9 and I like that one too. Very informative.

In any case, I'm on the path of career enlightenment and I have a lot of books to prove it lol. I need to stop buying so much though... but these books are really interesting. I wish I grew up with these types of books in the house. They have a wealth of useful information contrary to what I used to think. Can't wait to start some of the other ones.

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