This episode was not too bad and is moving the story at a good pace. Lory Takarada's appearance was so funny and about the best part of the entire episode. I think my wanting to watch events that are closer to date kind of make these beginning episodes feel like a drag at times. I wish I didn't have to wait every week for a new episode T__T.
Anyway, in this episode we basically see Kyoko looking around for talent scouts to scout her, and then going to LME to find the head honcho so she can become a celebrity. She also torments Sawara-san for many days and nights before he gives her an audition form so she can enter for the newbie selection process. For some reason the "Sawara torture" scene seems so much funnier in the manga than actually watching it. Not quite sure why, but that's how I feel.
The episode covers every detail in chapter two and three and ends with Kyoko ready to perform Katsura-maki. Though the next episode should be entertaining, I think I won't be as entertained until episode 05 or 06 when she enters the Love-Me section. I want to watch the acting test with her wearing a kimono and such. I guess this means another 3-4 weeks, huh ^_^;
I'm pretty interested in the manga right now though and can't wait till chapter 130 comes out. I really want to know how Kyoko puts Makino in her place and if Chiorin becomes friends with Kyoko, or reveals her true colors and is also put in her place. I can see how Chiorin is annoyed and angry with Kyoko since it's out of jealousy, but since jealousy is such an ugly thing, I really find it hard to like her at the moment. On the other hand, I really like the dimwitted Ma-Rumi, 'cause she's honest, straightforward and cute. (And that's saying something, usually the dim ones grate my nerves)
I also want to know more concrete details about Ren's violent past. Not sure exactly what to think about it 'cause Nakamura's storytelling seems kind of off-the-wall a lot of times. From my understanding of the story up to now, my theory is that Ren probably has a similar past to Ogata (the director of Dark Moon) in which people always compared him (Kuon) to his father, Hizuri Kuu, back in America. That or he only got jobs because he is the son of Hizuri Kuu, or no matter what he does, his father always overshadows his work so then people don't think of him as talented. Another reason is that Kuon might get a big head for being the son of Hizuri Kuu and think he is a great actor when he is not... though I don't think that is the case 'cause in the Kuon-Kyoko scenes, we learn that no matter what Kuon does, his father is always above him so he cannot be better.
Also, Kuu has mentioned to Kyoko that Kuon used to be a quiet and sweet child, so I'm assuming that people always told Kuon that he's second-rate compared to his father, which then made him into a dark, twisty and angsty teenager who got fired from work often so to unleash his rage, he went on a violent rampage and beat up just about anyone who annoyed him.
We know that Kuu and his wife, Julie, really love their son so they probably would want the best for Kuon so they wouldn't intentionally do anything to hurt their child, but their presence must be so big that Kuon feels as though he can never surpass his golden parents. And thus since Kuon probably rejected help from Kuu and Julie, Kuu has no choice but to seek help from his first boss, Lory Takarada. Since no know really knows Kuon in Japan -- but know him in America -- it makes Japan the perfect place for Kuon to get a fresh start and to regain his confidence (plus dissolve his rage). And so Kuon trained himself to become a gentleman, to learn and study as much as he can about Japan, acting, etc., plus control his rage so he can then bring his new image, Tsuruga Ren, to life. Ever since going to Japan, Kuon has not once stepped out of his Tsuruga Ren image, and has made a promise to Takarada that he will never become Kuon again until he has mastered his acting. (Whenever that will be is the question though =_=)
In any case, I think the stage is set for an explosion or breakdown eventually. If this story goes in typical shojo direction, Tsuruga Ren's real identity will be exposed, things will go really crazy and it'll be all chaos. Of course, I don't know if that's what's going to happen or not, but I do feel as though there's a dormant time bomb in the story. I'm really curious as to when and how this story will end ^_^;
But above all things, I'm a Kyoko x Ren fan so I really hope the two will be together in the end. She won't fall in love again, but it seems that she's falling for Ren without really realizing it ^_^
I haven't seen the second episode yet but I'm looking forward to it! I haven't found any online yet so my only option is T.V. *sighs*
Did you watch it online?
I download the raws to watch ^_^ (Tokyotosho is a good place to go). If you have BitComet or any BT client, you can get the episodes when they're released on the site.
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