Sunday, March 14, 2010

I Found This Post On My LJ

LoL. So I was going through purging tags on my LJ this morning when I found this post. Good times.


I found this incredibly cute XD~ I couldn't resist and must post XD~!!! My day is going awesome btw XD~

.:14キ50キ29:. * @Akisato dies laughing
.:14キ50キ41:. <@Akisato> two guys came up to me
.:14キ50キ46:. <@Akisato> to sell chocolate hearts
.:14キ51キ04:. <@Akisato> soliciting money from a poor defenseless, Valentine-holiday-hating me
.:14キ51キ28:. <@Akisato> it was kinda cute actually
.:14キ51キ31:. <@Tachibana> lol
.:14キ51キ32:. <@Tachibana> aw
.:14キ51キ45:. <@Akisato> they're all like "would you like to buy a chocolate heart?"
.:14キ51キ59:. <@Akisato> I'm like "I don't really eat chocolate...."
.:14キ52キ15:. * Tachibana is now known as Akizato
.:14キ52キ17:. <@Akisato> They're all like "Well, you can give it to your Valentine maybe"
.:14キ52キ18:. <@Akisato> LoL
.:14キ52キ26:. <@Akizato> hop!
.:14キ52キ26:. <@Akisato> and I'm like "Uh huh..."
.:14キ52キ32:. <@Akisato> eh?
.:14キ52キ40:. <@Akisato> LOL
.:14キ52キ46:. * @Akizato giggles
.:14キ52キ52:. <@Akisato> anyhow continuing
.:14キ53キ13:. <@Akisato> they're all like "Well, if you don't have a Valentine, one of us can be your Valentine"
.:14キ53キ27:. <@Akizato> LOL
.:14キ53キ30:. <@Akisato> and the other guy's like "Hey, I'll be your Valentine"
.:14キ53キ35:. <@Akisato> and in my head
.:14キ53キ38:. <@Akisato> I'm thinking to myself
.:14キ53キ48:. <@Akisato> "So not only are you soliciting money from me"
.:14キ53キ57:. <@Akisato> "But you're flirting"
.:14キ54キ20:. <@Akisato> "You're harrassing me~!!!!"
.:14キ54キ29:. <@Akisato> iyaa~~~
.:14キ54キ32:. <@Akisato> seku hara XD
.:14キ54キ34:. <@Akisato> j/k ^^
.:14キ54キ52:. <@Akisato> I was like "How much are they?"
.:14キ54キ54:. * @Akizato giggles
.:14キ55キ00:. <@Akisato> and one of the guys is like "$3"
.:14キ55キ03:. <@Akisato> and I'm like "Ok"
.:14キ57キ07:. <@Akisato> I bought a dark choco heart~~~
.:14キ57キ10:. * @Akisato gives to Mixie
.:14キ57キ14:. <@Akizato> aw
.:14キ57キ19:. * @Akizato gives a choco heart to tsu
.:14キ57キ27:. <@Akisato> See, I DO have a Valentine XP Who says I don't XD~
.:14キ57キ31:. <@Akisato> I just hate the holiday that's all XD
.:14キ57キ33:. <@Akizato> indeed XD
.:14キ57キ46:. * @Akisato snuggles Mixie ^,^
.:14キ57キ55:. * @Akizato chus
.:14キ57キ56:. <@Akizato> ^_^
.:14キ58キ05:. * @Akisato chuus back XD

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