Sunday, April 4, 2010

Pros & Cons of Tax Busy Season

I think my favorite time of the year is probably mid-February through mid-April, because there's a lot to do and tax time really is fun though it's stressful. There's lot of challenges and lots of things to learn, so I love the busyness of these two months. From mid-April through mid-September, it's a good pace, though sometimes slow, but I hope since I'm climbing up on the knowledge ladder, there will be more for me to do this year compared to last year. Anyway...

Yes, these two months are my fave of the year work-wise, but they are also the two killer months for me 'cause I just don't take care of myself as well as I should. We just get so busy that sometimes we lose track of time, forget to feel hunger or thirst so I don't drink enough water. I used to drink 8 glasses of water a day, but now I don't think I even make it past three. I try to down as much water as possible on the weekends, but it doesn't change that during the weekdays, it gets pretty bad. Unless I go to the gym that week, sometimes I barely drink enough water at all =_= *sigh* So... my body has really been suffering lately.

I've been drinking almost nothing, but coffee lately since I can't really function without the extra energy boost these days. I've been eating about the same type of things I've been eating all year full of veggies, fruits, protein, carbs, etc., but my digestive system's been on the fritz due to the lack of water intake. Despite all the exercise I've been doing, my weight won't change, and my skin can feel the waste build-up in my body so finally I couldn't take it anymore and drank one of those diet teas that I really don't like, but this was starting to get ridiculous so that's why I did it.

And today... I feel absolutely sick (which is exactly why I never drink these diet teas unless I'm really desperate to purge my system). I felt so nauseous this morning, but throwing up wasn't going to solve anything so I decided that I had to eat something, but whatever I looked at in the fridge only fueled my nausea. Then I rummaged through my food bin and found macaroni & cheese -- nothing like carbs for a nauseated stomach -- so I had mac & cheese today, and it's been like a year since I've had any lol. Tasted so good *___* I also had a crumpet *__* Carbs are so good when you feel like death, which is why I always dragged myself to the breakfast place over here when I'm hungover lol. They say you should avoid oily foods when you're nauseated, but sometimes it helps better with me. Not that I had anything all too oily today, but it wasn't what one would call all that nutritious lol. I just wanted the nausea to go away lol.

Also, they say to stay away from citrus when you're nauseated, but those happen to help me the most. Weird, huh? LoL. I mean, anything sweet just makes me want to yak, but tartness really makes me feel better. Hmm... pasta with tomato sauce sounds really good today too. Maybe I'll make some for lunch/dinner later. I really do not feel in a rice mood today.

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