Sunday, September 14, 2008

Code Geass R2 Episode 23

This episode was much better than the last 2-3 ... Actually to be honest, I don't think any of the episodes were really all too great after episode 18, but this one changed my mind. There was a nice little montage in the middle, there was a little more development & closure on things, though there was one spot that kinda hit hit me and left me a bit unhinged.

We have come to the official conclusion that EVERYONE is crazy ^_^. That or naive and caught up in the pace of things ^_^

First we have POWER crazy. On one side, we have Lelouch & Suzaku carrying out their so-called "Zero Requiem" plan to basically destroy the world so people will remember Lelouch as the most evilest person ever. In doing so, then people will realize that war sucks and we should just all get along and be happy =_= Great ideal, faulty plan, bad execution.

Then we have side number two, Schneizel the Manipulator, who plays a very good and cruel game of human chess. He is so good at manipulating things that it's kind of scary ^_^; By playing to the current of things, he manages to get the Black Knights and everyone in the UFN to come to his side. Because Lelouch is holding the UFN leaders hostage, and because those nations do not want to lose their leaders, everyone places their lives in Schneizel's hands. All of this is done so he can also destroy the world, but of course, no one really knows that. People only thinks that he's a "good guy" while he kills his own countrymen without batting an eyelash, and desires to destroy every country affiliated with the UFN using nuclear warheads. He has a great plan, a very bad ideal, and his execution is scarily good @_@. He's scary =_=

I would have to say that the only people sane left are... none? Especially if Cornelia's dead. She was one of my favorite characters too T__T. Her death was kind of an unexpected element in the episode, it was like they just wrote her off the show in a pretty pathetic way. Though I understand that it was to show how cold Schneizel was, it was still a pathetic way to die =_= *sigh*

Ok, now for PATHETIC crazy, meant for all those who are naive and have fallen prey to those much smarter than them. For instance, Ougi and Xing-ke have basically fallen victims to hidden truths and over-the-top lies. Everyone has their own interpretation of situations and by thinking them over and over again, they all believe it to be true and so now we have a wonderful mess ^_^. We have the Black Knights betray Lelouch just because they don't know the whole story, which I guess you can't blame them, but now they're siding with someone even worser than Lelouch =_=; I feel sorry for them. Xing-ke, in order to protect his empress (lover XD), basically played into Schneizel's hands and is now a pawn used on the battlefield =_=

Cornelia was sane, but the one part of her that I considered crazy was the fact that she tried to charge at her brother and kill hem =_= I guess no one could have expected that back-handed way of gunning her down, but still... if it were me, I would have chosen to keep my cool and let Nunnally know =_= Then again, Cornelia is not exactly level-headed when she feels a strong sense of what is right and what is wrong. *sigh* I loved her T__T Why did she have to die!? Then again... maybe she's not dead knowing how twisty this series is. No one really stays dead =_=

It can't be helped in Nunnally's case 'cause she's blind and can't walk. Without being able to see anything, she can't detect when people are lying to her. The poor thing has been an ideal for protection and also a tool for battle. She thinks that by firing F.R.E.I.J.A. she can botch her brother's evilness, but she doesn't even realize what she's doing. I feel sorry for her. *sigh*

I think Nina has become a lot better in these last two episodes. She has started reflecting on her own selfish way of thinking and become a lot more mature. She's a lot more likeable than she has been for the last 40 something episodes. In contrast, I've started to like Suzaku less =_=; I know he's snapped, but it's kind of painful watching my fave character be so mean =_= *sigh* He's really hardened after all that's happened.

Also, I wonder how this is all going to play out with only two more episodes left. I'm guessing that Ougi will survive 'cause he and Villetta have a family to start together. Kallen probably ends up with Gino, Nina continues working with Lloyd and Cecille (and maybe Laksharta). Suzaku will probably live, but I'm not sure about Lelouch. C.C. will probably finally die... maybe. Who knows ^_^;

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