Best episode in the entire season is episode 18. Everything kept me hanging on my seat and wanting more. Episode 19 was bittersweet and really nice to watch 'cause Lelouch ended up with absolutely nothing in the end so things we kind of working out in a way. The scene of Rolo over-exerting himself was very sweet and heartbreaking. The episode pales to episode 18, but it's good nonetheless. And then we get episode 20, which kinda of started to spin out of control and turn into a train wreck. We hit an all-time crash & burn in episode 21, which I'm still pretty unsure about. To be honest... I'm confused @_@ I'm slowly still trying to make sense of what I just watched, but in a way, I kind of get what's going on too =_= For some reason, I feel a bit disappointed. The story ended up twisting in a way that I found to be predictable so now I feel a bit down about what's happened. Oh well, it's still good. Just not as good as it used to be. I rather enjoyed all the heartbreak the series has caused me up to episode 19 in this season. Right now, I'm just riding out the waves =_=;
Episode 21 wrapped things up in a way, but also started a whole new problem as well. For those who have played Final Fantasy VIII, you'll know what I'm talking about. It's like you fight against this boss for a majority of the time and then you realize that it's not the real ultimate boss =_=; Now, you're kind of like ... uh...?
I mean really... ... I love Schneizel... and I rather like Lelouch and Suzaku, but to have these three face off in the end will be kind of... not what I was expecting. Oh well.
With the way the story was structuring itself up to this point, it was not hard to decipher that Marianne and Charles were peas in a pod. V.V. was basically jealous of Marianne (the way Rolo was jealous of Nunnally) and killed her, then arranged for Nunnally to be a fake witness by messing with her memories so she thinks that she saw her mother get murdered by terrorists. Lelouch arrives later (?) and finds the lovely sight =_= (?). I always thought that Lelouch also saw his mother get killed ... ... Maybe I missed something back a while ago.
Anyway... the reason why Anya keeps reacting to the geass mark is finally answered. I was hoping for something more dramatic, but I'll live with what happened.
Hmm... now on a more morbid note... I really like the deaths in this series for some reason. They make me upset, make me cry and love this series more. For instance, Euphemia and Shirley's deaths made me just about bawl my head off. Nunnally's death (though there are speculations that she's not dead yet) came at a good time 'cause she never had to find out that her brother was Zero. Rolo's death redeemed him for all the things he did in a sense, but I still find Euphemia's and Shirley's deaths to be the ones that affect me the most.
Ah, I loved the first season. Everything was really well-done in the first season from opening theme sequences to plot detail and fan service. It's unfortunate that Taniguchi had to make the changes he did. The end product's still good, but I'm sure his original vision would have matched the geniusness of his first season.
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