Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The Unthinkable

After little persuasion and too many articles listing the goodness of owning a Wii, my parents actually told me to keep playing on the machine @_@; Completely 180 from the normal "STOP PLAYING SO MUCH VG!!!"

My Wii Fit board and game came today in the mail and I spent around an hour playing on it. I'm thoroughly exhausted now 'cause it really does make you work hard. When my parents came home, I showed them the different activities and demonstrated for them to see. When they went off to take a shower before bed, my dad was like "Ok, keep playing!" I was pretty shocked, but hey, if they approve then play I will. Of course, after playing several hours of Wii Fit, Sports, and Mario Kart, I'm pretty spent so I unhooked everything and went back to my room 'cause I should be getting to bed soon.

I find it pretty odd, but quite delightful that my parents aren't hounding on me for playing VG now. Thank You Nintendo.

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