Saturday, August 30, 2008

Cleaning as Therapy

For some reason, I like reorganizing and cleaning things in my room when I get the chance to. It's pretty therapeutic and I like it a lot. The only problem at the moment is... I need some boxes to pack things up =_=; I also need to work today so I can't hole myself up in my bedroom separating papers from junk, etc. *sigh* My parents don't understand why it takes me so long to clean my room, but if they understood how much junk I've accumulated in the last four years, they wouldn't say so much =_=

Basically... my dad grew up in poverty and has this way of thinking that we should keep EVERYTHING, because we may end up needing it again someday. Well, I was raised mostly by my father growing up so I developed the same mentality of "I may need this someday so I'll just keep it and shove it in something for now." However... I found all these papers and things that I've kept since middle school that I've never ever gone back to looking at =_=; So... shouldn't I throw it away?

It's been a tough cleaning session... I'm battling against my father's teaching by trying to get rid of all the things I'm pretty sure I will never go back to again, but I keep fearing that I may need it again =_=. For instance... old receipts from things I buy online, or homework assignments, or boxes that came with the external hard drives I bought, etc. I have lots of boxes in my room, I have lots of plastic bags from the university bookstore that I keep for garbage bags in my room @_@. I have lots and I mean LOTS of junk. It's a bit daunting when I think about how many things I think will be useful and then I never really use it at all. *sigh*

Well, in any case... I should get back to cleaning =_=; As much as I'm feeling stressed over what to throw away and what to keep, it's kind of relaxing.

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