Sunday, November 1, 2009

UO vs. USC (47-20)

Because of the hot water issue -- or lack of thereof -- at home, I went to the gym yesterday and exercised for about 20 minutes before I ran back downstairs and took a shower. There's only one corner where it's covered so I disappeared into that area and took a nice, but quick hot shower. When I got out, I quickly dressed and then quickly drove home in time for the Oregon vs. USC game.

I swear that first quarter really made me eat fast 'cause I was so anxious, but overall game was amazing. Both Oregon defense and offense were amazing. Chip Kelly is so awesome, I'm so glad Bellotti asked him to come over here. When the season first started, it was a mess. All our regular and more seasoned players were getting injured left and right, and some were gone all-together, and then there was that scandal at Boise State. We really thought it would be the end of the Ducks this year, but they came back pretty strong for the conference. I'm so proud of my Duckies ^__^

The entire game had me on the edge of my seat, and even when we got into a comfortable lead, I was so glad the Ducks still played seriously and didn't lax much at all. In the past, there have been times when they would get too comfortable and then mess up their rhythm when the opposing team suddenly does something wacky and scores. Anyway, last night's game was superb and I just wanted to share that ^__^

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