Saturday, November 28, 2009

A Pleasant Surprise

So... I looked into my bank account this morning and saw a very beautiful sight. My job direct deposited my pay in *__* Technically it's supposed to be officially there on Monday, but I got paid more than I thought I would. My heart nearly stopped. I think I'll be able to pay off all my debt and survive the winter months ahead after all.

My AMEX balance was finalized yesterday so I saw a glaring $1,959.30 staring at me today when I went to go check it. But it's ok, I got paid a lot so I can pay both rent and AMEX. Technically I can pay AMEX really soon, but the more money I have in my checking, the more interest I make so I've deferred my payment till after the 11th -- which is when the bank pays me interest. So, I'm just going to have to lie low and not look at AMEX for a while 'cause that glaring huge number is really ugly to me. Soon after I pay AMEX, I should be getting paid again and then the bank will do an automatic transfer of $75 from my checking to savings -- as to waive the monthly fee -- and after a couple days, the balance on my bank's VISA should also be finalized for the period and I'll just wait to see which date it has to be paid on. If I have enough for rent, I'll pay off the balance right away, and if I'm kind of bordeline doomsday, then I'll wait. I now have another VISA with over $500 to pay off too =_=;;; Yeah... in just three days, I managed to accumulate over $500 again. This is so not funny. I still have at least another $750 to spend before Christmas -- I'll get reimbursed for $450 of it since it's for CPE, but just thinking about having to pay such high balances really makes me wish I can be more conservative with my spending.

On a bittersweet note, my new computer should arrive in Oregon sometime by the end of this upcoming week and then a week and half later, I'll be able to play on it *__* Oh life is good~ I'd better put all my software stuff from my current computer into a flash drive and bring it with me here. I should also bring at least one of my hard drives here so I can burn off some stuff. I ended up going to Office Depot yesterday and I bought a 1TB external hard drive so I need to really throw some stuff on it. I also bought an external DVD/CD burner for my REALLY old computer. I have no idea why I did it, but I figure my old computer is pretty trusty, it's been with me all these years and hasn't failed me yet so if I can use it to burn stuff, I'll use it. I'm crazy, yes.

I went to Target yesterday after all the chaos early in the morning. I elected sleep over doorbuster sales -- as I'm too poor really to participate anymore -- but then I ended up going to one of the malls over here and bought some cosmetics plus $3.99 movies. I've recently started using eye makeup 'cause I figure I should be a bit girlier so I got some mascara and swabs for eye shadow yesterday. I need to get makeup remover when I get back to Cali. I don't think they'll let me fly back if I carry anything liquid with me so yeah... I have to leave behind quite a bit of stuff until next time I am able to drive back -- which would not be for until April T_T. I think I'll take a week long break in April.

I am not looking forward to going back. I have so much to take care of. First I have CPE, I need to sign up for a couple sections of the CPA exam, I need to present a plan of my career path to my boss -- please don't ask why -- and all of this needs to be done before I fly back to Oregon @_@. *sigh* Always so last minute =_=; I wonder if I'll ever be able to break this habit. Anyway, I need to go finish packing T__T. I can't wait till another 2 1/2 weeks pass so I can come back home again.

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