Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Plane Ticket Home

So I bought my one-way plane ticket back to Oregon today and I'm kind of looking forward to going back and visiting family. My parents are going to drop my car off up in the Portland area and when I get back on the 16th, my aunt will come pick me up and then I'll drive back down to see my family in Eugene. I'm really stoked about this, though I wish I requested more days off... But I kind of wanted to save my vacation days for later on in the year so that's why I only decided on two work days rather than a week or something.

The time change has been doing me some good actually, I really like the time becoming normal again. I remember hating it when I was a student, but now that I'm in the working world, I really enjoy getting up in the morning and feeling like it's actually morning with the sun still rising rather than the sun making its way towards noon already. I like the cool, brisk walk to work and that extra hour of sunshine after I get off. I know that the days will start lengthening as the temperature starts warming up from the seasonal change, but I kind of like it how it is right now.

I've decided to stick it out for a year living at where I am right now 'cause then I can save some money as opposed to moving out... but I still really want to go and live in a studio. Maybe my mindset will change after I bring my car down here. I'll have more chances to look around for places and I can move my things in, etc. I really would like a place that I can live at and feel right at home. I can relax, not worry about other people when I get home and just feel relaxed. I'm starting to adjust here though... but a place to myself would be a bit more comfortable, I guess. We'll see what happens in the next few months to come.

Anyway, just thought I'd pop in for a sec. I'm feeling pretty sleepy so going to go take a shower and sleep~

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