Monday, June 23, 2008

The Mole Episode 02-04

I've been following The Mole, but haven't really been writing anything down 'cause I've been kind of busy with everything else going on. Anyway, some key things to know is that Bobby, Liz, Aly, Victoria, and Marcie have gone home. Aly took a bribe and left so that was a pretty smart move on her part. Some of the people suspected so far and seems to have been ruled out as the mole -- at least for me -- include Craig, Nicole, Mark, and possibly Kristen. I think my top three suspicions lie with Paul, Alex, and Clay. A lot of Paul's behavior is pretty suspect to me, especially how he seems to know when things are going to happen. His attitude and blatant stupidity could be a great cover as the mole as it seems no one has really suspected him so far. Everyone just thinks of him as a belligerent ass and doesn't seem to think of him as the mole. If he is indeed the mole, then I must commend him on a job well done ... though he really is quite the ass ^_^;

Alex is suspect since all the conditions of the environment is very suitable for him as he can speak Spanish and such, but for me that's not really good enough evidence to conclude that he's the mole. Clay is very smart and a lawyer who seems to have played it cool up to this point in time, so if he's the mole, he is probably doing a good job. However... I can't say that he is the mole 'cause of his past performances and things he has said. I have been suspecting Paul for a while now, but not sure about it.

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