Monday, June 10, 2013

How Things Have Changed In the Course of a Year (Or More)

Haven't been here for a while and thought I really should update this blog so I copied my post from livejournal and kinda decided to past it here.  The last time I wrote in livejournal was even further back than this blog.  Think I stopped around the time I was unemployed and listless. 

In the more recent months, been going through every single blog I've ever started to maybe close some accounts, but then after reading all the things -- trivial or not -- that I have written, kinda started a journey down memory lane.  I started this blog after I graduated from college so this is pretty much my early career day’s blog, whereas livejournal was my high school and college blog.  Some things have changed and some things have not.

I'm still very much into manga, just not much into the scanlation scene anymore.  I just buy everything in original serial or tank form, read what I can, but I can tell you that my Japanese has slipped up a lot since I stopped watching drama, etc.

I am now officially too old to go to Con lol.  Kind of funny to have that dawn on me, because I wanted to go for so long when I was younger, but never got the opportunity.  I've outgrown a lot of things it seems, and this journal kind of got left behind as well.

Since 2011, I've found myself on this rollercoaster ride we call life.  I went from depressed and unemployed to suddenly employed and surrounded by a new group of friends.  I went from being called useless and stupid employee at one firm to suddenly being called an asset at another.  Funny how everything good started happening when I took some pretty big risks that fortunately paid off.

It would have never occurred to me that I would live a life similar to ones that I have watched numerous times on television or in movies.  I was just like any average worker who hated their job and was constantly undermined by their employer.  I worked in a toxic environment, hung out with people I didn't quite understand -- and vice versa, and was suffocating under those conditions.  Then I just quit without a single backup plan.  Looking back, that was never the smartest move, but it was the right one for me.  When life gets so hard that a person starts finding sharp objects mesmerizing and physical pain a form of stress relief, that's when you know you've got problems and an unhealthy attitude.

Things weren't exactly good after I quit, but I did feel lighter. There wasn't anyone standing over me telling me what a waste of space on earth I was, and that was nice. It didn't take long though before my unemployment and directionless, aimless lifestyle began to contribute to the already unstable state of my mind.

Emotionally distraught and confidence obsolete, I began to run away, retreat into the safety of the world I knew before I moved to the big, bad bay. I almost moved back to my parents' home to seek refuge in order to nurse my broken soul, but just the thought of giving up what I started made me sick to my stomach. I could not stop feeling sorry for myself, and it consumed me. All the feelings of shame, worthlessness, and unhappiness just took over and started ruling everything in my life. So I did the easy thing and I ran away -- for three weeks anyway.

After staying in my hometown for a spell, I returned to the bay resolved with a new plan that I would move back to my parents' and go back to school, study hospitality management or something, maybe even bookkeeping. Just as I was packing up things, I was invited to a social gathering at one of my now very good friend's house for a pie party.

I have never been all that sociable of a person, parties and gatherings just drain me. I'm always putting on a face of some sort that wasn't really me, doing things that I did not enjoy in order to fit into the social circle I was hanging with. My best friend always included me in her group of friends, but I never quite understood any of them. All the things they talked about was never of any interest to me, and in order to appear invested, I just drank myself into a stupor without fail every time when I was around them so I could avoid talking or at least take off the edge. Bottom line was that I didn't quite enjoy hanging out with anyone, because it was just exhausting. All of that changed in December of 2011.

In the middle of my packing, and deciding to hang out with my friend with her friends brought me into a world that was more familiar to me -- geeks and nerds. My people, my nation, I have finally discovered the ones like me in interest, personalities, and passions just when I was resolved to leave. For the first time since I moved to the bay, I found people that I could have intellectual and interesting conversations with -- aside from my best friend. I can't exactly explain what happened, but something inside of me just clicked and something changed.

That party, that room full of people marked the turning point of my period of self-pity and sadness. I woke up the next morning with ten more friends than I had before I decided to do something new and good for myself. I also woke up with an epiphany that this was it, that this was what all the suffering had been about, that it's not too late to find right path for me and to live unconventionally, and to not run away anymore. I had to grow up, grow a pair, take a stand and tell all the haters out there that I'm stronger and better than what they think of me.

That morning was the first time I picked up my laptop, my resume and cover letter book and started pounding out cover letter after cover letter, resume after resume. I submitted to all the jobs that interested me and waited for the phone to ring.

Despite my sudden burst of inspiration and motivation, the phone never rang. I did not get a single call from any of the places I applied to. Still, unlike the previous weeks, I was undeterred and continued my pursuit of the perfect job -- or at least the means to put food in my stomach.

I applied to just about anything and everything -- that is anything and everything but accounting. Unfortunately, nothing ever came back. So then one day I found myself browsing through the craigslist accounting/finance section and submitting my resume and cover letter on a whim to an accounting/finance company. I started applying for accounting positions again and staffing agencies since January was around the corner and firms were in need of tax preparers. And then one day while I was at the gym, out of the blue, I got a phone call from a staffing firm that was impressed by my resume and wanted to pair me with some of their clients.

At the time, any sort of praise sung about my resume kind of fell flat on my ears, because I so fervently believed in my former bosses' words that I was a terrible accountant. Still, I smiled and took it, because I needed a job. Working with a recruiter, I ended up gaining three job interviews -- one for a temporary tax position and two for full-time positions -- for the last week of December. I was also working with a temp agency as well, but they wanted to interview me for a position within their own firm so I actually had four interviews.

Around this time, I had caught a cold due to the stress I had put on my body from staying up late job-searching, writing letters and resumes, so when I finally went in for my first interview, I was feeling quite terrible. I wanted nothing more than to stay in bed, but I knew that if I didn't go to these interviews, I would probably never forgive myself. So, drugged up, lethargic, and possibly contagious, I bit the bullet and went in for my first interview.

Arriving at the first firm -- the temporary tax position one -- I told myself that this was a practice round and that no matter what happened, it would be alright. I had researched the firm before going in -- as my recruiter had advised me to do -- and I practiced all my answers to the possible questions in front of a mirror the night before, so despite my lack of a voice, sore throat, and nasal congestion, I could still somewhat deliver as though I wasn't ill.

Well, I did lose my voice a couple times during that interview and my interviewer, the managing partner of the firm, seemed icy and cold. I would have been more intimidated if I hadn't been so drugged up on cold medication. The interview only lasted a very short 20 minutes, so I left, certain that I had failed this practice round.

I went back home and prepared for my second interview of the day when I received a phone call from my recruiter asking me how my interview went. I told her quite frankly that I had no idea, and I wasn't expecting anything out of it. She seemed quite taken back and surprised by my response, because what she said next really confused me: "Well, they loved you and want to make you an offer."

I'm standing there, reeling for a moment, rewinding my memory all the way back to the 20-minute interview and how scary that woman was, and then asked, "Are you sure?"

Never would I ever have said anything like this if I wasn't so sick and addled in the head, but I think it was good that I was so ill, less inhibition, less tact, more honesty.

Anyway, she tried to get me to agree to the offer, but I really wanted to see my options first before I did anything. I mean, I needed something a bit more stable, it couldn't be temporary. So I turned down the offer in favor of my next interviews and went to the second one of the day.

The second one turned out alright, and I was preparing for my third interview when I got another phone call from my recruiter -- this time, it was her boss who was calling me. He really wanted to close the deal with the first place I interviewed at, so he pitched a really good sale to me. If I were to take the job that day, he would negotiate a good hourly for me and the position had the potential to materialize into a full-time offer. I was on the fence about it, but after some back and forth negotiating and pitching, I finally agreed to an offer where my hourly was twice the amount I was being paid at my former firm. I can't explain how surreal and relieved I felt the moment that was all a done deal. I was in a state of euphoria and it didn't even matter to me at that point that the job would never become permanent, because I was going to be able to survive for a while on the money I make from the three-month contract. I was going to temp during busy season and then go to mixology school.

Thus, I cancelled the rest of my interviews and concentrated on healing my cold and stress-ravaged body until I started my contract.

On the day I started temping, I arrived at the firm for a day of training. I arrived much earlier than I was supposed to -- because my recruiter had mixed up the time -- and I met another woman who was also starting the same day. I was surprised, because I was under the impression that I was the only one contracted. I found out shortly that she was a CPA, so then I knew that I was the real temp and she was the one they were grooming to take the full time position. I made my peace with that thought very quickly, because I was going to become a mixologist anyway.

We were trained, and I quickly discovered that most of the applications were easy for me to use and tax season was going to be doable. The other woman, on the other hand, didn't fare so well. She was lost and confused pretty much the entire busy season. And then for the first time ever, I became someone of value at my place of work.

I was quick at picking up all the software and I had a good understanding of the basics. Compared to my last firm, I actually had a voice and was allowed to have an opinion. I stood up for myself when I felt I was wronged, and I fought back when something wasn't right. For the first time in three years, I actually had the respect of my peers and superiors and it was empowering. I was actually smart for once. I wasn't looked down upon, I wasn't verbally gunned down in front of coworkers, and people were telling me that I was doing excellent work. The other full-time employees in the tax department and I quickly became friends and I felt really happy that before I quit this field, I would have at least one good experience to take with me and that I had finally gotten over the trauma from my last firm.

Everything was going great, and then two weeks before April 15th, the other girl who was hired with me was fired. She had been taking too long on projects, taken up too much of everyone else's time and energy to help her, and had irritated just about every single person in the firm. I can't say that I wasn't surprised, but the whole thing startled me and I suddenly felt fear again. I was doing so well... would they unceremoniously dump me too? It wasn't like I was pining for this job, but if I had something a bit more permanent, it wouldn't hurt.

Shortly after they fired the other girl, I got the talk about an offer the firm wanted to make me. The managing partner had really grown to like me and was not as icy as she was when we first met. And then when April 15th rolled around, I found myself full employed. My recruiter probably got a fatty commission off of me, because they kept thanking me for doing such a great job, but I was thankful for them too. I was able to recover my confidence and I stopped feeling sorry for myself. People liked me, I was valuable, and I was a good accountant. The last firm was just too miserable, unhappy, self-absorbed and blind to see it. I was better than they claimed I was, and I had proved it. I woke up from that terrible spell of unhappiness and things really got better from there on out.

I moved out of the apartment with roommates after a falling out with one of them, and I began to live on my own. Another good decision in 2012. I had a good job, a good apartment, and good friends all at once. Things began to really go well, I became very social and I tried a lot of fun things that I never thought I would get the chance to. I learned to swing dance, I ate at some pretty amazing restaurants, I met a lot of amazing, inspirational people, and I also survived all the hard times. I was cheated on, lied to, and had money stolen from me. I had people take advantage of me, and lost some friends along the way, but I became smarter, better, and a happier person from all my experiences -- good and bad.

I learned to fall in love again.  The whole thing was love at first sight and then it all ended rather quickly, because we were just not compatible, but I started to open up to the idea of dating again.  Took me about a month to get over him, but our romance was a lot of him beating around the bush and me acting too indifferent, because he was vague so I wasn't sure if I want to jump all in.  Of course... I kinda did, and when I finally got attached, he was done.  Ah well, such is the way of romance for incompatible people.  He's a nice guy, we just weren't right for each other is all.

I lost my family and found my way back to them.  Shortly after my 25th birthday, my parents and I became estranged from each other.  I had spent the majority of my life living as an extension of my mother's failed hopes and dreams to the point that I had not once really lived for myself.  And because they had sheltered me so much while I was growing up, I never really matured in a sense.  It took my work supervisor -- and now really good friend -- to call me out on being a highly self-righteous, uppity, judgmental prude to really slap some sense into me.  

When I started to find my individuality and figure out what I wanted in life, I met with a lot of resistance and disapproval from my parents.  I can't recall what the incident was over exactly, but I think it maybe have been that I had a limited amount of time to do 2-3 virtually impossible tasks and when I was able to accomplish it like an adult, I was just so proud of myself.  When I shared the story with my mother, she wrote me off and said that I should have already known how to handle these situations, because I was already an adult.  But you see... that was a rather unfair claim. 

I may have been 25, but to be honest, I was probably as mature as a 16 year-old.  My parents have sheltered me growing up -- out of love, of course -- but it was quite to an extreme extent.  And because I had been told of nothing, but my everlasting flaws my whole life, I desperately sought approval from my parents, so I hardly did anything in my life without asking for their consent or acceptance first.   Anytime something difficult happened, my parents were there to shield me from failing or falling down.  All of it was out love, but that love was suffocating and it never allowed me to grow, so when I finally started to act like an adult who was independent and able-minded, it was one of my proudest moments.  It may not have been a major deal, but to me, it was a pretty big milestone.  I was a 16 year-old no more.  

To my mother, it was kind of a silly notion to be so happy over completing such a mundane task.  She did not see the significance or feel the joy that radiated in my heart.  I wanted to share this moment with her and she... just didn't see what I saw.  I felt crushed, hurt, and pent up feelings from the last 25 years of my life just welled up and broke through the fragile dam that had been holding it all in all this time.

You see, I grew up being told that I was not pretty.  I was too fat, my face was too round, my eyebrows not arched, and my eyelids were mono-lid.  I was not talented enough to be a pianist, artist, or a writer, and unless I had the confidence to write the next Harry Potter, I shouldn't even dream about it.  I was told not to dream, to live within the expectations of my family and that I was sadly imperfect to a horrifying degree.  I wouldn't realize until later that the term for this would be "Tiger Mother parenting."  That was exactly what it was, and I went through and consumed blog after blog of Asian Americans who felt oppressed growing up with their families until I felt ok to be imperfect.  

I am 27 now, and I have learned to love myself.  I have learned that it's actually fun to apply eye makeup on monolids.  I found out that I have a natural French manicure.  Everyone out there is paying to have my fingernails, whereas growing up, my mother told me that it was unsightly.  I say raunchy things, I curse, I love to eat and drink, and it's ok.  Too long I was held to this standard of "perfect" that once I let my hair down, things just got much better.  All it took was for me to have this much delayed fight with my mother.  Of course, it would have been better if it wasn't so dramatic, but I felt that I couldn't breathe and I couldn't grow as long as they had a presence or say in my life, so I cut them off.  

That was one of the hardest times of my life, because I had been so unhappy at my job at the time and then I lost my strongest support group.  However, my support group was less support and more demanding than supportive so I had to give them up in order to stand on my own two feet facing the world as an adult should.  I really let loose around this time and did a lot of things that ... only someone in their early twenties can achieve.  I can't stay up late and go clubbing anymore, it leaves me feeling pretty ragged lol.

After about eight months of standing on my own, making bad decisions, failing and experiencing all sorts of exciting things, I received a phone call while I was at lunch with my coworkers on June 25th, 2011.  My grandfather was on his death bed.  Everything was kind of a blur after that. 

I drove up to Oregon, got a speeding ticket, continued to have arguments with my parents, and then saw him one last time, but it was so surreal that I didn’t know what was going on.  After I returned back to my home, I was told on June 30th, that I had lost my maternal grandfather.  He had a stroke when I was in my sophomore year of college and it rendered him bedridden for the rest of his life.  A part of me was glad that he had stopped suffering, but the event made my perspective on life changed.  It also changed my parents’ perspectives on life.  We started to speak again, but I was still very cautious around them, because at the time I felt that love was a weapon and not an emotion.  I felt that my parents had used love to enslave me, to hurt and abuse me.  I know now that it was because their love for me was so strong that they overdid it, and I have come to forgive them, because I understand why things happened the way it did.  Doesn’t make it right, but I have forgiven their numerous unpleasant comments since their manner of communicating with me changed. 

My parents stopped pushing me towards what they initially wanted for me, and started to really support me.  I was doubtful for about a year and half and still maintained limited contact with them until April 7th of this year when I lost my maternal grandmother. 

I went back during Christmas to see her one last time, and when I found out that she was nearing the end, I was neck-deep into busy season so I could not leave work.  I had booked a ticket planning to go as soon as April 15th was done, but she passed away before I could see her.  I went to work the next day and just powered through work, but as soon as I got home, I just collapsed into a heap and wept bitterly.  Out of all my grandparents, I loved her the most.  I did not notify my boss until after April 15th that I needed to revise my travel arrangements, because my grandmother’s funeral would not take place until the 24th of April.

My grandmother’s funeral was the first funeral I ever attended.  My mother did not tell me about my grandfather’s funeral until after it was over, and this lead to another chasm in our already unstable relationship.  However, after attending my grandmother’s funeral and now that I am 2-3 years older, my perspective has changed a lot since I was 25.  Oddly enough, my grandmother’s death actually brought my family and I back closer together, and we are on much more cordial terms now.  Being able to communicate with my family again has been a really nice and welcomed change after a cold spell.

I don’t have as much anger as I used to within me.  Even when a friend of a friend took advantage of my trust, stole my credit card number, and tried to shift blame onto me for his own actions, I was not angry.  In fact, my reaction these days are of pity for those who do harm to others.  If this had happened three years ago, I’d be plotting revenge. 

It's really funny how time changes everything, and amazing too. I used to be such an unhappy and bitter person, but now I've never been happier or better.  Much of the change has been attributed to my finding the friends that I currently have, the experiences that I have culminated over the years, and my desire to be a better person.  I used to feel all sorts of juvenile feelings and dwell in the darkness of my hopelessness and sadness, but once I made it out of the tunnel, I have found that life is truly beautiful even when things don’t go the way we want it to. 

I still have bad days, but I now possess the tools to handle them better than when I was younger. I am a stronger person now, and looking back at old posts, I see how much I have changed and how different a person I am now. Some things remain the same, but in terms of my mindset, I am in a much better place now than I was nearly two years ago.  Life is pretty amazing.