My flight is later today, and I am currently finishing up laundry so that I can pack the rest of my clothes lol. I fell asleep while my clothes were still washing last night 'cause I was so tired and now I'm up at 5AM in the morning drying them lol. This will give me an hour to finish stuffing the clothes in before having to drive up north to the airport.
While I wait for my clothes to dry, the first thing I did in 2011 was install my Becker CPA exam software to make this actually real now. I figured that I should install the software while I still have a good internet connection before I head back to a place where my computer just refuses to piggyback on anything lol. I am trying out one of those broadband sticks right now, but I'm not sure if I'll get good reception where I currently live so I'm bringing it back with me to try it out, and if it doesn't work then I'll have to take it back to the store.
Next thing I have to do is pay for the exams, but that'll have to come after I pay everything else. I've decided that I really, really, really need to find a new job this year 'cause my current workplace will only put unnecessary pressure upon me, that will leave me nervewracked and unable to perform well so even if they don't sign off when I pass the exam, it'll still be ok. I'll get my next firm to sign off on me. I've decided that I only want to do audit and no more tax. I just feel more suited as an auditor than as a tax person though I do love doing tax returns. Anyway... I have already accomplished over a certain amount of work hours, all I really need to do is pass it this year so that I can finally have some peace of mind. I just don't think I'll be able to pass it by June 30th, so I need to get out of my current firm in order to not put such pressure upon myself.
One important goal is to become 95 if not 100% independent from my parents. Letting them dictate things in my life really did no good for me and made me into this bitter, angry, empty shell of a person. I have to find my passions this year, actually do something with my life this year. I don't care about proving to them that I am better at some things than they say, I only want to prove to myself that I'm not a complete failure. I don't owe anyone else anything. I owe myself a chance to believe that I'm not a terrible waste of space on earth.
Another goal I have is to finish an actual book from start to finish that's not a self-help reference, manga, or modern day fiction. I want to read actual literature like Jane Austen, Emily Bronte, John Steinbeck, etc. So... I packed up all my Jane Austen books -- bought, but never read -- and the one I just purchased yesterday -- Sense and Sensibility -- plus Wuthering Heights so I'd like to be able to read and finish these books this year. I think the last time I read an actual book was really in high school. I never quite finished anything afterward without skipping around or reading SparkNotes and such. Someday, I want to get back to East of Eden and actually read/finish the darn thing from start to finish lol. I need to work on my patience and sense of discipline 'cause I always skip around.
I also want to rearrange things in my room so that the new year will have a different feel to it. Once I get back, all I want to do is put some things back in my closet while packing up the things I have no use for and then shipping them back to my parents' place. I really would like to move this year too. Naturally if and when I land a new job, I will relocate closer to that job as well. I want to work in the city so that is where I plan on starting over.
Anyway, need to take a mini nap before I have to get up again. I'm so tired now that I've finally finished the packing.