Wednesday, June 2, 2010


No complaints, just some thoughts. I'm enjoying my vacation home as much as a vacation can be. It feels a bit like a mini summer break, I guess... kinda like ones that students take after finals or something and go back to their home state. That's kind of how it feels for me, only I have a lot of things to do and much on my mind.

I have to do some recruiting for my firm, and other important things. I have friends that I kind of want to see, and friends who definitely want to see me ^_^; so then I have to squeeze everyone into the schedule to make things work. As much as I love my friends, for some reason once I get home, all I want to see is my family. All the time I have, I just want to spend it with my family. But, I have a feeling that if I don't see my friends, I'm going to be bummed later on for missing the opportunity.

After this vacation, it'll be a while until I get to come back here. I have tests to complete by November, so hopefully I can get my CPA license. After that, I have plans to just live my life next year. I'm doing my research and planning my Post-April 15th vacation to Japan next year, figuring out vacation time to spend in Mexico for my friend's wedding next summer as well, and then the usual Christmas holiday with my family. I lack vacation time to go back more than once to Oregon.

On a better note, my family said that they plan on driving down to the bay area to see me mid-summer of next year. They plan on driving down during 4th of July weekend, so I may take a day extra off to hang out of with them depending on which day it is ^_^

Anyway, tomorrow I have to go to school and visit the campus a bit. Need to figure out what to do with recruiting so then I can go back to work knowing that I have done something and tried my best at making things work. After that, I plan on doing some much needed clothes shopping. I waited until I came back home to buy things so I'm not paying extra down there. I hope I can get tomorrow's work-related things taken cared of so I can just relax for the rest of my time-off.