Sunday, November 23, 2008

A Quick Update

Been busily doing other things than blogging -- as though one hasn't figured that out already ^_^;;; -- so... just doing a quick update.

I've been following my drama and anime like I usually do, but haven't really had time to write anything about any of them 'cause I've been preoccupied with drawing or coloring. I soon won't have any more time to do any of that so I'm trying to catch every second that I can. Photoshop CS2 doesn't really work all that well on my Vista OS so I probably won't be able to draw at all when I move down to the bay area -- my desktop will remain here at home with my parents.

Once I get settled in and decide to live in the bay area for good -- if I really feel that California is a better fit for me -- I will probably move all my lovely belongings with me... but for the time being... I'm going to be so sad T__T. *sigh*

Anyway, just popping in to say that I'm alive~ and I'll probably update more later ^_^